A Waste Prevention Strategy For Excess Produce

An excerpt from Forbes

From October of 2023 through April 1, 2024, Eden Green has donated more than 57,000 pounds of food representing 45,000 meals through its partnership with Sharing Excess, bringing Eden Green’s total donations to over 420,000 pounds since opening its first commercial greenhouse in 2021.

As just one example of the sort of impact these donations can have, the following is a quote from a senior citizen with limited income that regularly benefits from the H.I.M. Food Bank which is connected to the Sharing Excess network.

The H.I.M. Food Bank always has milk, eggs and fresh produce. They provide fresh lettuce each time I visit, which helps me make fresh sandwiches and salads each day. I am on a limited diet for healthy reasons and lettuce and other fresh produce ensures I stay within my dietary restrictions. I suffered a stroke last year and have limited use of one of my right arms. Salads and sandwiches are easy for me to prepare and I can do so with the fresh produce I receive from H.I.M.. I appreciate the lettuce especially, as it is always fresh and I receive plenty to last me for a couple of weeks. “This is just an awesome thing”, she says, “I don’t know what people would do without it.”

Read the full article here >>


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