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The Biggest Vertical Farming Advantages

There are more advantages of vertical farming than many may realize. We cannot overstate the environmental impact of traditional agriculture. As the world becomes more populated within urban centers, arable land and water become more scarce, and food insecurity increases, we must adapt how we farm. 

The current food system must be more sustainable, cost-effective, and good for people and our planet. Vertical farming and hydroponics can solve existing problems and improve the system, leading to a healthier and more sustainable future.

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What is Vertical Farming 

In vertical farming, farmers grow crops in vertically stacked layers, typically indoors. These vertical growing systems often use controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) techniques to optimize growing conditions, such as light, temperature, humidity, and nutrients. It may also be combined with hydroponic systems to create a growing method that is both sustainable and compact.

Did You Know? Eden Green Technology uses 98% less water, 90% less light energy, and 85% less food miles than traditional farming methods.

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Additional Advantages of Eden Green Technology:

  • Average Harvest Cycle: 28 days

  • Annual Harvest: 2,500 tons of leafy greens

  • Daily Harvests: Grows 24/7/365

  • Top 1% of all food-safe environments

  • Offers private label with custom packing

  • Up to 10% of harvests donated to local nonprofits fighting hunger

The Advantages of Vertical Farming 

There are several advantages to vertical farming that can help solve the challenges of our current food system. Here are a few of the most prominent.

Efficient Use of Space

Our world is becoming increasingly urbanized, yet our food system doesn’t fit into these densely populated spaces. If we could fit commercial agriculture into small areas without fertile soil, we could grow fresh food where people need it. This is precisely what vertical farming offers. 

Because vertical farms don’t rely on the land for planting, they can produce in nearly any environment. We’ve seen vertical farms placed on rooftops, in warehouses, inside other businesses, and even underground. Not only that, they make the most of the space they occupy, producing far more food per square foot than a ground-based farm ever could.

Year-Round Food Production

Indoor vertical farms offer the ability to grow seasonal foods year-round. This means fresh strawberries in the dead of winter and autumn produce even in the spring. By providing year-round production, these farms allow people to eat their favorite fresh foods regardless of the season and without shipping them in from far away. 

Unaffected by Adverse Weather Conditions

Vertical farming also protects crops from weather conditions. This means droughts, floods, storms, fires, and other weather-related catastrophes don’t impact crop yields. Instead, these vertical farms can produce predictable harvests regularly, ensuring safe, healthy food is always available.

Low Labor Costs

Because vertical farms can be so condensed and are protected from the elements, much of the work can be automated. Vertical farms can offer their employees a safe and far more comfortable work environment, along with a living wage and benefits. iFarm even estimates that labor costs for vertical farming are about 30% lower than traditional farms, no matter where they are.

Sustainable Practices

One significant challenge facing agriculture today is the move toward sustainability. In many traditional farms, growers are having to pivot the way they’ve done things for decades, and the change can be expensive. 

Vertical farms, particularly those using sustainable hydroponics, are designed with the enviornment in mind. This means that they tend to be ahead of the curve in this area.

Minimize Water Usage

Indoor vertical farms use far less water than their outdoor counterparts. There is no water loss due to evaporation and no runoff concerns. In fact, in Eden Green Technology’s greenhouses, we use 98% less water than comparable conventional farms.

Don’t Contribute to Soil Degradation

Soil degradation is a serious and concerning problem for agriculture. Since vertical farms aren’t planted in topsoil, they don’t contribute to its degradation. In fact, they are a potential solution to this problem. They allow us to grow food without using any soil in the case of hydroponic vertical farms. For more information on this, check out our article on the benefits of hydroponics.

Food Grown Close to Cities

As mentioned above, vertical farms allow growers to fit their crops into densely populated urban areas. Urban farming is an essential part of the solution to the food miles problem

Reduce Transport Costs

When crops must be shipped across the country or around the world, the costs pile up. This includes both the financial expenses associated with transportation and the costs to our environment. For agriculture to become truly sustainable, we need to stop burning fossil fuels to ship food from one place to another. Vertical farming is an excellent option to help reduce this need. 

Safe Food Production

Indoor vertical farms can create a far safer growing environment for crops. They can prevent food recalls by protecting crops from potential contamination. When crops aren’t degraded by pollution, runoff, and other sources, consumers can be confident of their safety.

No Dangerous Chemicals or Pesticides

There’s another way that indoor vertical farms keep our food safer than traditional farming: zero chemical and/or pesticed use. Greenhouses and other structures keep pests and weeds out naturally. This means that growers don’t have to apply dangerous herbicides and pesticides to their plants. 

How Eden Green is Leading Vertical Farming Sustainability 

Hydroponic agriculture takes all of these benefits even further. Systems like Eden Green Technology’s greenhouse can boast some pretty impressive stats. 

We grow 5 million pounds of leafy greens every year on our Texas campus. At the same time, this campus uses 90% less light energy than typical vertical farms. We also use 99% less land and 98% less water than traditional farming. 

Community Impact and Social Responsibility

One of the less talked about but equally important advantages of vertical farming is its potential for positive community impact. By localizing food production, we can empower communities to be self-sufficient, reducing dependency on external food sources. This is especially crucial for food deserts where access to fresh produce is limited.

Moreover, vertical farming opens up opportunities for educational programs, teaching the next generation about sustainable agriculture practices. 

At Eden Green Technology, we are committed to not just revolutionizing agriculture but also making a meaningful difference in our communities. We donate up to 10% of our harvests every week to those in need, reinforcing our commitment to social responsibility.

Why the Future of Agriculture is Vertical Farming 

These benefits are just the start when it comes to vertical farming. It seems clear that vertical farms are an exceptional way to grow enough food to feed the growing population without compromising the environment. They’re also an important piece to add to any ESG portfolio. 

For more information check out our article, What is environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)?

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is Vertical Farming Better Than Traditional Farming? 

It seems clear that vertical farming offers many benefits that traditional farming can’t match. They offer year-round food production regardless of climate or weather conditions. They are more efficient in their use of space, offer lower labor costs,  minimize water use, and don’t contribute to soil degradation. They offer safe food without the need for dangerous chemicals or exposure to possible contaminants.

What are Pros and Cons of Vertical Farming?

Vertical farms offer a lot of pros. They’re more sustainable and efficient than traditional farming and allow us to grow crops regardless of season, climate, or weather. Their one significant downside is that many models use a lot of energy for grow lights, but some models (such as that of Eden Green Technology) have solved this problem. 

Is Vertical Farming More Sustainable?

When careful about energy consumption, vertical farms are far more sustainable than their traditional counterparts. They use less water, are more efficient in their use of space, and don’t pollute with toxic chemicals.

Why is Vertical Farming Better Than Traditional Farming?

There are several reasons that vertical farming is gaining popularity above traditional farms: 

  • Year-round production

  • Climate and weather agnostic

  • More efficient use of space

  • Urban farming

  • Lower labor costs

  • Minimal water use

  • No soil degradation

  • No pesticides or herbicides

  • Reduced transportation

  • Safer food

Is Vertical Farming More Water Efficient?

Yes, indoor vertical farms use up to 98% less water than traditional, outdoor farms.

Is Vertical Farming More Energy Efficient?

Some vertical farming methods use a great deal of energy to run grow lights. Vertical farming greenhouses like Eden Green Technology have solved this problem, and use 90% less than their contemporaries.

Can Vertical Farming Feed the World?

It’s unlikely that vertical farming alone will be the answer to world hunger, but it can be a big piece of the solution. As more and more agriculture moves to vertical farms, these facilities will help take a great deal of stress from the environment, helping balance out the damage done by other farming methods.

Partner with Eden Green Technology for a Sustainable Future

Are you committed to sourcing sustainable, high-quality food for grocery stores or restaurants? Look no further. Eden Green Technology is your ideal partner in revolutionizing the food industry. Here's why:

  • Variety: Choose from over 200 commercially viable produce options.

  • Customization: Benefit from white-label produce options, including specialized salad blends, fresh herbs, and more. Craft your perfect produce program.

  • Quality: Our produce meets the highest industry standards and is available year-round, irrespective of climate or season.

Don't just read about the future of agriculture—be a part of it. Take the first step in aligning your business with sustainability and community impact.

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