Eden Green

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Cleburne's Eden Green Technology has big expansion plans – and an even bigger vision

Excerpt from the Dallas Business Journal article.

The agriculture company will supply its romaine and butterhead lettuce under the “Robinson Fresh” brand to retailers across the country.

“We don’t want our own retail brand,” Badrina told the Dallas Business Journal. “We just want to supply private and white label. It provides a much clearer sales path for them and a much clearer relationship for growth.”

Eden Green Technology was founded in 2017 by brothers Jacques van Buuren and Eugene van Buuren. Badrina joined as CEO in 2019.

The company focuses on a vertical farming platform to grow large quantities of produce including leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, kale, herbs and arugula. Eden Green creates microclimates with temperature-controlled air for each plant and technology to remotely monitor all the greenhouses.

Eden Green hopes to expand its greenhouse facilities across the country.

“The vision is to have these decentralized networks of greenhouses across the US,” Badrina said. “If we can supply Dallas-Fort Worth with these greens and have it at a really affordable price, then it’s game for the rest of the county.”

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If you’re looking for a source of hydroponic food for your grocery store or other retail establishment, we have great news. There’s an easy way to get the freshest, top-quality products at an affordable price. 

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