Eden Green

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Eden Green Scales Fresh Produce Distribution to Redefine $20B Lettuce Industry

Photo by Wade Griffith of Eden Green’s new facility.

Excerpt from the Yahoo Entertainment article.

More than 90% of leafy greens in the U.S. are grown in California and Arizona, resulting in complex supply chain logistics, high distribution, and energy costs, and decreased safety, taste and freshness. Eden Green’s decentralized network of high-density vertical greenhouses built right next to major distribution centers addresses these challenges head-on, allowing the company to provide locally-grown, sustainable produce year-round.

Unlike traditional farms where lettuce takes miles to get to grocery stores, Eden Green lettuce can go from farm to shelf in just 48 hours with 85% less travel distance. This model enables producers, retailers, and suppliers to reliably expand their white label and private label offerings, all while providing accessible, affordable produce to more consumers.

Robinson Fresh, a leading provider of fresh produce and supply chain services, is the exclusive distributor of Eden Green’s produce. As part of its offerings, Eden Green is supplying romaine and butterhead lettuce under the “Robinson Fresh” brand to some of the largest retailers in the U.S.

Growing with Eden Green Technology

If you’re looking for a source of hydroponic food for your grocery store or other retail establishment, we have great news. There’s an easy way to get the freshest, top-quality products at an affordable price. 

Eden Green Technology is your ideal partner in revolutionizing the food industry. Here's why:

  • Variety: Choose from over 200 commercially viable produce options.

  • Customization: Benefit from white-label produce options, including specialized salad blends, fresh herbs, and more. Create a custom hydroponic produce program.

  • Quality: Our produce meets the highest industry standards and is available year-round, irrespective of climate or season.

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Read the full article here.