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Toward a Greener Tomorrow: Sustainable Food Packaging

Biodegradable food packaging and other sustainable options are a big trend in our food supply chain. In today's world, the focus on sustainability has never been more crucial, particularly in food packaging. 

This article will explore the urgent need for eco-friendly packaging solutions in the food industry. Eden Green has always been passionate about sustainability. Now, we’re aiming to reduce the repercussions of our food packaging.

The Problem with Traditional Packaging

Conventional packaging materials have long been a significant source of environmental concern. Statistics reveal that non-sustainable packaging contributes substantially to waste and pollution. 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports containers and packaging are responsible for a lot of municipal solid waste. They total this impact at about 82.2 million tons in 2018 alone. Most of this packaging is made from harmful substances like plastic and Styrofoam. Given this reality, it’s easy to see how impactful packaging can be. 

What is Sustainable Food Packaging?

Sustainable packaging is designed to reduce its environmental footprint. Three main types of eco-friendly packaging options exist. These are biodegradable, compostable, and recyclable packaging materials. 

  • Biodegradable food packaging breaks down naturally to return to the environment without causing harm. These materials, often made from organic substances, decompose through the action of living organisms. They are suitable for reducing long-term waste in landfills.

  • Compostable packaging materials are like biodegradable materials but go a step further. They reduce to non-toxic components that provide nutrients to the soil when composted. This type of packaging requires specific conditions to degrade properly. They need the right temperature and humidity to decompose effectively.

  • Recyclable packaging materials are made from substances collected, reprocessed, and remade into new products. This process helps conserve resources, reduce waste, and lower environmental impact. Common recyclable materials include paper, cardboard, glass, metal, and certain plastics.

Innovations in Sustainable Packaging

The landscape of sustainable packaging is evolving with innovative materials and designs. We're witnessing a shift towards more eco-friendly alternatives. These materials offer the same functionality as traditional materials. Yet they have a lower environmental impact.

10 Eco-Friendly Packaging Alternatives

  1. Biodegradable Packing Peanuts: A green alternative to Styrofoam, these peanuts decompose naturally. They are typically made from natural starches like wheat and cornstarch. 

  2. Corrugated Bubble Wrap: Made from recycled cardboard, corrugated bubble wrap alternatives are eco-friendly cushioning materials. 

  3. Air Pillows Made from Recycled Content: Air pillows are hugely popular because they cushion packaging without adding weight. When made from recycled materials, they’re ideal for filling voids in packages without harming the environment.

  4. Recycled Cardboard and Paper: Cardboard and paper are still vital to the packaging and shipping process, but they don’t have to harm the planet. Recycled boxes and paper are just as sturdy as traditional options while reducing the demand for new paper.

  5. Cornstarch Packaging: A biodegradable material made from cornstarch, this option is suitable for various packaging needs. Frequently pressed into unique, custom shapes, this material can easily replace Styrofoam in many large-box purchases.

  6. Mushroom Packaging: This option is made from mycelium, the vegetative part of a mushroom, combined with byproducts like corn stalks and wood chips. It's compostable and robust while helping to eliminate waste.

  7. Seaweed Packaging: An innovative packaging solution made from seaweed extract. This flexible membrane is an excellent option for packaging foods. Depending on the type used, it can be edible, water-soluble, or compostable.

  8. Biodegradable and Recycled Plastics: Biodegradable plastic packaging cannot be recycled but deteriorates naturally and returns to the environment. Recycled plastics, on the other hand, are made from used plastic that would otherwise become waste.

  9. Organic Ecological Textiles: These sturdy, multi-use materials are used in reusable bags and packaging wraps. They can be made from natural textiles like hemp and linen.

  10. Edible Films and Coatings: This replacement for plastic wrap is a modern marvel. Created for direct food contact, it can be safely consumed along with the product.

Overcoming Challenges in Sustainable Packaging Adoption

Transitioning to greener packaging requires a strategic approach. Businesses can begin by conducting a thorough audit of their current packaging. This lets them identify areas for improvement. 

Some primary challenges in sustainable packaging are perceived high costs and issues with scalability. To address this, companies can integrate eco-friendly options in phases to distribute costs over time. Adopting a phased approach helps make the transition manageable and cost-effective. Leveraging government incentives for eco-friendly practices can also aid in this transition. 

Educating and engaging customers about sustainable packaging can further support the shift. Research and development can lead to cost-effective and scalable sustainable packaging solutions. Partnerships with suppliers specializing in eco-friendly materials can help companies overcome barriers.

Global Impact and Regulatory Landscape

Different countries have varying approaches to sustainable packaging, influenced by regulations and certifications. Changes have accelerated in recent years, leading to a diverse range of rules and regulations that are constantly changing. Brands need to stay ahead of developments in the countries and regions where they sell goods. 

Consumer Power in Shaping Industry Practices

Today’s consumers look for companies with environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) initiatives. In a survey of consumers in the US, more than 60% said they would pay more for products with eco-friendly packaging. 

Consumers have significant power in influencing industry practices. By making informed choices and prioritizing sustainability, they can drive industry-wide changes. This empowerment is crucial in the shift towards more eco-friendly packaging solutions.

Benefits Beyond the Environment

The adoption of sustainable packaging offers economic advantages for businesses. There are cost savings in the long term and enhanced brand loyalty from consumers looking for sustainable options. 

For consumers, eco-friendly packaging provides health and safety benefits. It ensures fewer chemicals and pollutants come into contact with fresh food products.

Eden Green’s Sustainable Packaging Strategy

Eden Green’s sustainability mission is at the forefront of everything we do. As a fully customizable, client-centric company, we are working to embrace sustainable packaging. We are researching biodegradable plastic packaging and paper tray options for a more sustainable product. This strategy aligns with Eden Green's broader sustainability goals, showcasing a model for responsible corporate practices.

Partnering with Eden Green Technology

Eden Green wants to hear from you if you want sustainable, safe, healthy, and fresh foods available year-round, regardless of season or climate!

We work with grocers and restaurants to provide more than 200 commercial varietals. This includes leafy greens, herbs, and other fresh hydroponic produce.

We offer private-label produce and custom packaging options. Your brand can put its stamp on salad greens, mixes and blends, fresh herbs, and specialty produce. Enjoy all the benefits of hydroponics by partnering with Eden Green today!