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5 Exciting Vertical Farming Careers

In discussing essential workers, it is important to remember some of the most critical workers in our country: farmers. Everyone needs to eat, and farmers need to grow food for families to put on the table. The world’s population will likely grow to 46 million by 2060; the world needs more agricultural workers to feed everyone. 

According to Careerist, over 50,000 jobs are available in agriculture each year in the US. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough qualified graduates available to take those jobs. The problem is that young people are not going into the field, and the average age of an agricultural worker is 60 years old. Labor has changed significantly over the past century and a half. In 1840, the agriculture industry made up 70% of the American workforce. Now, that number is just 1.3%. 

The agricultural industry is changing. In the future, traditional farming methods simply won’t be enough to feed the booming population. This is why we need new farming methods like vertical farming. As a result, vertical farming careers will be on the rise for the next several years. But, what kind of careers are available in vertical farming, and what type of person is ideal for them? We’ll answer these questions below. 

The Perfect Vertical Farmer

Many people will want to work on vertical farms, but the job isn’t for everyone. There are specific physical requirements and attitude attributes that the job requires of individuals who will succeed in their careers.

Most obviously, perhaps, the ideal candidate can’t be afraid of heights. Vertical farms climb high into the sky, and even the plants up top need care. If someone is squeamish up in the air, this may not be the job for them. It is also a physically demanding job. Modern farmers must be on their feet all day in high heat and humid conditions. They should be able to lift 50 pounds as well. 

An ideal candidate also has an attitude that fits the job at hand. Vertical farmers have strong attention to detail, and they thrive on repetition and structure. They should work well with others and communicate well with their teammates. Vertical farm workers must function well as part of a team to get plants through to harvest. 

Finally, a good vertical farmer must be able to follow strict food safety guidelines. It’s crucial to ensure that nothing harmful makes its way to the consumers and that responsibility falls on the farmer. 

A candidate who meets these requirements has plenty of career paths to choose from in the vertical farming sphere. This article will outline five vertical farming careers. 

#1 Grower

Growers are in charge of plant health. This job involves nutrition, horticulture, and propagation. It’s a blend of science, art and problem solving. The grower is responsible for meeting the greenhouse’s quality standards and yield quota. Growers can specialize in developing seedlings in propagation or be responsible for the health of plants throughout their lifecycle at the farm. 

A grower has many daily duties, including: 

  • Maintain crop schedule to ensure all crops are cared for on schedule to maintain optimal health and growth.

  • Coordinate with production supervisor on crop issues, transplant times, and harvest dates.

  • Walk crop daily to ensure they are growing as expected, and address any issues witnessed. 

  • Maintain climate and growth factors in all stages of plant growth to meet production needs.

  • Monitor and adjust irrigation, nutrient, lighting, and climate to minimize farm environment variation and optimize plant health and output.

  • Direct plant health team on data collection, management, and analysis.

  • Work closely with facilities team to maintain proper growing environment.

  • Communicate between growing, operations, sales, and distribution teams on schedule.

This job is ideal for someone who loves gardening and caring for plants. Beyond soil, most vertical farms use hydroponic or aeroponic methods to grow their crops. Having the experience and knowledge of these systems is mandatory for most grower positions. Someone with a green thumb who is an excellent team player and communicator would excel in this role. 

#2 Production

At Eden Green Technology, someone in production is in charge of handling the process for mature plants. This means harvesting, packing, and logistics. Their daily tasks include: 

  • Transplanting produce from propagation to their microclimates in our vertical towers

  • Sanitizing equipment and plant spots as needed

  • Harvesting mature plants 

  • Cleaning and packing produce 

  • Maintaining harvest schedules and working closely with the grower and facilities team to optimize production efficiencies 

This role involves a lot of climbing, so it is not recommended for someone who has an aversion to heights. It’s ideal for someone who excels at methodical work and has a high level of focus. 

#3 Food Safety Manager

The food safety manager has one of the most important jobs: keeping our farmers and the public safe. Hydroponic vertical farming is one of the safest farming methods possible, but a food safety manager still has a crucial role. Their tasks include: 

  • Keeping the team and customers safe

  • Auditing and testing for salmonella, listeria, e. Coli, etc. 

  • Tracing and trackability with QR codes and blockchain

  • Providing proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and ensuring it is used correctly

  • Certifications and compliance

  • Educating the team and visitors

Part of this job includes keeping up with ever-changing regulations and new technologies to track produce and keep food safe. Someone passionate about cleanliness, food safety, and consumer welfare would enjoy this job very much. 

#4 Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

The danger of pests is limited in an indoor greenhouse, but it is still a possibility. That is why integrated pest management specialists work to keep produce safe from pests that would prevent it from getting to harvest. They have several tasks, including: 

  • Regular inspection of greenhouse walls for pest access points

  • Setting / managing pest traps

  • Daily crop scouting and spot treatment

  • Conduct weekly training sessions - identification, prevention, and awareness

  • Daily check-ins with supervisors and food safety professionals 

Someone with an eye for detail and a passion for eradicating pests would enjoy IPM very much. It’s a job that involves constant vigilance and is integral to the success of the greenhouse. 

#5 Facilities Technician

A facilities technician is a familiar job in any industry. Of course, they’d be in charge of maintenance, construction, and janitorial duties, but they would also be in charge of food safety support. They would need to be detail-oriented and maintain daily records. The facilities technician would need to have knowledge in the following areas: 

  • Electrical

  • Plumbing

  • HVAC

  • Forklifts, scissor lifts, or other warehouse machinery

  • Food safety

A jack-of-all-trades with an interest in food may take an interest in this job. It’s important to have an eye for detail, an adaptable nature, and an ability to communicate with others. 


Vertical farming jobs are cropping up all over the country, and there will only be more in the coming years. As the need to feed the growing population increases, these jobs will become essential roles in our society. If you want to make a difference in getting healthy, delicious food to people and families who need it, you can do so in one of these careers. 

If you’re looking for a career in the exciting field of vertical farming, Eden Green Technology might be the best fit for you. Check out our careers page to see what openings are currently available and apply for a position that’s right for you.