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What is Non-GMO Produce?

There’s a lot of buzz about non-GMO produce these days. GMO stands for genetically modified organisms. By definition, these are crops and animals that do not exist in nature. While some believe that GMOs are safe and healthy, legitimate concerns exist. Below, we’ll explore how Eden Green Technology revolutionizes agriculture. We combine non-GMO crops with advanced hydroponic systems for healthier produce and a greener planet.

Understanding GMOs

As we mentioned above, GMOs are genetically modified organisms. These plants, animals, and microorganisms have been genetically manipulated in a lab setting. GMO does not refer to plants and animals that are manipulated through the process of selective breeding

In agriculture, plants whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques are becoming increasingly common. This modification aims to enhance traits like pest resistance, herbicide tolerance, or improved nutritional content. For instance, Bt corn is engineered to produce a bacterial toxin. This toxin is harmful to specific pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

However, these GMOs spark debates regarding ecosystem impacts, health concerns, and ethical considerations. While GMOs can increase crop yields and improve food stability, critics argue about potential long-term effects on human health and the environment. Issues like gene transfer to non-target species and herbicide-resistant weeds are significant concerns. Understanding these complexities is crucial for informed discussions about sustainable farming practices.

While real concerns exist, there are also several common misconceptions about GMOs. Some people believe they are less nutritious than natural plants, but this is rarely true. Others believe that all GMOs are the same. Yet in reality, GMOs encompass a vast range of crops with different modified traits. Some are far more concerning than others, depending on the modifications made. 

Consumer Perceptions and Market Trends

While commercial growers appear to love the benefits of GMO produce, consumers take a different view. Consumer attitudes towards non-GMO produce are increasingly positive. This reflects a growing preference for natural and perceived healthier food options. 

Many consumers associate non-GMO products with health and environmental benefits, driving a surge in demand. This trend is fueled by concerns over the potential health risks and environmental impacts of GMOs. 

Additionally, there's a rising interest in transparency and traceability in food production. Consumers are seeking information about their food’s origins and production methods. These factors have led to a broader market appeal for non-GMO labels. 

For grocery stores and restaurants, the pressure to adopt non-GMO options is worth noting. The market trend for non-GMO products in retail is showing robust and sustained growth. Driven by those concerned about health and sustainability, the demand for non-GMO labeled products is soaring. 

Global Perspective on Non-GMO Produce

While GMO farming is increasingly becoming the norm in North America, they’re still relatively rare in other parts of the world. In some European countries, there's a strong regulatory and public resistance towards GMOs. This has led to stringent labeling requirements and, in some cases, outright bans on GMO cultivation. 

Emerging economies, especially in Asia and Africa, present a mixed picture. Some are embracing GMOs to address food security issues. But there's also an increasing interest in non-GMO farming practices driven by export markets' demands.

Overall, the international market for non-GMO products is expanding. This is driven by consumer demand, regulatory policies, and a growing global emphasis on sustainable agriculture. This trend indicates a significant and evolving market niche for non-GMO products worldwide. 

Non-GMO Produce in Vertical Farming

An AgTech movement toward indoor vertical farms and hydroponic greenhouses may seem perfect for GMO crops. After all, these facilities tend to carefully monitor and control all aspects of their plants’ growth. Many even boast laboratory-like conditions. But despite what some scientists say, vertical farming doesn’t need to rely on GMOs to produce fresh, healthy foods. 

Eden Green Technology is a hydroponic vertical farming company dedicated to sustainability and social responsibility. We offer hundreds of varieties of hydroponic produce, none of which are genetically engineered. 

The Role of Hydroponics in Growing Non-GMO Produce

Eden Green’s sustainability mission is vital to every aspect of our operation. We have concerns that GMO contamination can lead to superweeds, superpests, and an overall lack of genetic diversity. Because of these concerns, we have chosen to grow only non-GMO crops in our greenhouses. 

Our CEA (controlled environment agriculture) practices and advanced hydroponic systems lend themselves to this pursuit. We don’t need crops engineered to withstand pests because we naturally protect our crops from pests by housing them in lab-like greenhouses. We don’t need our crops to withstand drought or other climate-related concerns because we control and maintain the climates surrounding them. Overall, our sustainable farming practices lend themselves well to growing non-GMO crops. 

Health and Environmental Benefits of Non-GMO Produce

Non-GMO crops have many benefits, impacting both the environment and the health of those who consume them. Here are a few of the most commonly cited:

  • GMO Contamination — While all GMOs originate from the lab, they don’t stay there. It is nearly impossible to prevent their genetic material from spreading to other plants nearby through pollination. A field of GMO wheat planted near a field of non-GMO wheat will eventually mix their genetic code with one another, regardless of intent. This means the safest non-GMO crops are those grown indoors, where they cannot be contaminated.

  • Greater Genetic Diversity — As superior GMO species begin to propagate, they can overtake other, naturally occurring species in the same area. This means one crop can wipe out all the natural plants in an area competing for the same resources.

  • Fewer Superweeds and Superpests — You’re probably familiar with the concept that “life finds a way.” When crops are engineered to withstand pests and weeds, they can lead to heartier weeds and pests. The same can be said for the use of harsh chemical pesticides and herbicides. By growing our non-GMO crops indoors, we can prevent the need for such drastic measures, meaning we don’t contribute to the problem of superweeds or superpests at all. 

  • Pollinator Health — It’s no secret that our honeybees are in danger. One proposed contributor to their decline is the growth of GMO use. One thought is that GMOs’ damage to biodiversity is causing bee populations to decline due to reduced food availability. Another is that anti-pest GMOs may be directly harmful to pollinators along with pests.

  • Fewer Potential Health Risks — The truth is that there has been no long-term testing on humans for most of these GMO crops. We simply don’t know what health risks may be associated with consuming GMO produce. 

Non-GMO vs. Organic Produce

On their own, non-GMO and organic produce labels are not mutually exclusive. In fact, organic foods are, by definition, non-GMO. That’s right — to be certified organic, a crop cannot be genetically modified. On the other hand, a non-GMO label doesn’t necessarily mean that the crop adheres to other organic requirements. 

Regulations and Certifications

Regulations surrounding GMOs vary from place to place, just as nearly all other food regulations do. In the US, the primary label borne by non-GMO produce is The Non-GMO Project seal. Food products must meet specific standards to qualify for this seal. 

Beyond this private labeling, there are currently coordinated GMO regulations that span the FDA, USDA, and EPA. The Plant Biotechnology Consultation Program is a voluntary program that allows the FDA to examine and question various new GMOs as they are developed. 

Challenges in Non-GMO Produce Cultivation

Cultivating non-GMO produce presents several challenges. Here are some of the top concerns for non-GMO farmers:

  • Non-GMO crops often offer lower yields compared to some GMO crops. This can make non-GMO farming less economically competitive. 

  • Non-GMO crops do not have genetic modifications for pest and disease resistance. They often require more labor-intensive management and alternative strategies for pest control. 

  • There's also the challenge of cross-contamination from nearby GMO fields, making it difficult to maintain a pure non-GMO status. 

  • The lack of certain GMO traits means non-GMO crops may be more susceptible to environmental stressors like drought or disease. Overcoming these challenges requires innovative farming techniques and, often, a higher investment in resources. 

Fortunately, all of these problems are combated by default in CEA farms. Optimal conditions lead to higher yields. There is a far smaller incidence of pests and disease in plants that are carefully monitored and contained. Cross-contamination is not an issue for indoor plants. Furthermore, environmental stressors are completely excluded when growers control the plants’ environments.

Eden Green Technology offers high-yield hydroponic crops that are 100% non-GMO. Our advanced growing techniques make it unnecessary to use genetic modifications to deal with common problems like pests and drought. And we partner with restaurants and grocery stores to offer fresh, healthy, white-label produce at reasonable prices. If this sounds like a good fit for your business, contact our team today! 


What is non-GMO produce?

Non-GMO produce refers to crops grown from seeds that have not been genetically modified in a lab. These plants are cultivated through traditional plant breeding methods.

Does non-GMO mean no pesticides?

No, non-GMO does not inherently mean pesticide-free. Non-GMO crops may still be treated with pesticides, though in some cases, less than some GMOs.

Does non-GMO mean natural?

Non-GMO generally implies a more natural cultivation process but doesn’t guarantee completely natural farming practices. In other words, the seeds are natural, but the rest of the growing process may not be.

Are all organic foods non-GMO?

Yes, organic standards prohibit the use of genetically modified organisms, so organic foods are inherently non-GMO.

What are the 5 most common GMO foods?

The most common GMO foods are: 

  1. Soybeans

  2. Corn

  3. Canola

  4. Cotton (for oil)

  5. Sugar beets

Can you avoid GMOs?

Yes, you can avoid GMOs by choosing organic and certified non-GMO products, reading labels carefully, and consuming whole, unprocessed foods. Be particularly careful about high-risk crops like alfalfa, canola, corn, cotton, papaya, potato, soy, sugar beet, and zucchini.

Growing with Eden Green Technology

Are you a retailer, health influencer, or consumer committed to offering or consuming sustainably-grown, top-quality produce? Eden Green Technology is your go-to partner for transforming the future of agriculture and food consumption. Here's why:

  • Variety: With a diverse range of both traditional and innovative hydroponic selections, we offer something for every palate and purpose.

  • Customization: Our white-label produce options allow you to offer specialized blends of salad greens, fresh herbs, and more, tailored to your specific needs.

  • Quality: Our hydroponically-grown produce adheres to the highest industry standards and is available year-round, regardless of external climate conditions.

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