Eden Green

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Vertical farm Eden Green expands in retail, announces growth plans

An excerpt from the Produce Bluebook article.

“At Eden Green, we believe that everyone should have access to high-quality produce year round,” said Eddy Badrina, CEO of Eden Green Technology. “Lettuce is a staple in the U.S. but it’s also one of the most difficult vegetables to grow sustainably and safely. Our relationships with retailers and a large distributor like Robinson Fresh not only validates the impact of our technology and business model, it puts us one step closer to delivering on our mission to make delicious, sustainable lettuce ubiquitous across the United States.”

More than 90% of leafy greens in the U.S. are grown in California and Arizona, resulting in complex supply chain logistics, high distribution, and energy costs, and decreased safety, taste and freshness. Eden Green’s decentralized network of high-density vertical greenhouses built right next to major distribution centers addresses these challenges head-on, allowing the company to provide locally-grown, sustainable produce year-round.

Read the full article here