Eden Green Technology expands facility, output
Greenhouse Manager, Garrett, giving a tour to guests at grand opening event
An excerpt from the Cleburne Times-Review
Cleburne sits at the vortex of a food revolution. So said Eden Green Technology officials during Friday’s unveiling of their new greenhouse facility. Company, city and county officials as well as other guests got a firsthand look at the $47 million, 2-acre vertical greenhouse that will produce 1.8 million pounds of greens annually in the facility’s 62,500-square-foot growing space.
The greenhouse growing system will produce 11 to 13 harvests per year and includes more than 200 products. Eden Green donates 10 percent of their yield to charity. Most of the rest is pre-sold to retailers and distributors.
“Eden Green’s vision is a mesh network of eco-friendly, highly efficient cutting edge vertical farms near population centers that save on food miles and provide high-quality produce to people at affordable prices,” company spokesman Trevor Moore said.
The bigger news, company officials said, is that additional expansion in the planning will one day triple the facility’s current output.